The other dilemma was that although i went to a School operated by the NZ Armed Force under the New Zealand school system, i am an Australian. Would the kiwi's appreciate this aussie girl managing a site for predominately ex dependants of NZ Service men? I wasn't sure and i wasn't sure for a very long time how that would be received.
There was a contingency of Australian Service families in Singapore in the mid 70's, albeit a small one, of around 40 families and the kiwi's outnumbered aussies averaging 1 to every 20 kids per class.
The choice of name was crucial, i wanted to do this right, figuring that you only get one shot to make something a success, something worthwhile. The name couldn't be changed once started, a group like this needed to be consistent and have structure, sound base. This couldn't be a one hit wonder, i wanted it to last for as long as it could. It would take time, years, to find everyone and it would be a good thing if the group was around still for the late comers.
I took this responsibility very seriously and i still didn't really understand why, only that this was important.
So, i put the A in ANZ as it was inclusive to brats from both countries who lived in Singapore during the mid to late 70's. Little did i know...or rather, it took me a while to realize, that i had unintentionally used the beginning of the name of the school before the New Zealand take over. ANZ Service Schools, Singapore, something i will talk more about at a later time.
In the 70's we referred to the Airforce, Army and Navy collectively as the Armed Services or The Services. Later we said they were our Armed Forces and then Defence Force..ugh, which one to use, the old and the new were a mouthful. I wondered if the word Military sounded too ... American. I checked with my Dad, a man who is against Americanizing our vocabulary, if he said it was ok then it would be ok and it was... at least in this case and for this purpose.
Brats, well Brats had to be used didn't it. Known as or introducing myself as a RAAF brat, more in my adult years, it was my identity. I didn't know if other ex dependents felt the same, there has been a mixed reaction to the word Brat over the years since we started. I think it has created a sense of pride amongst us now so I'm happy i used it.
Besides, "Ex dependents" - another mouthful.
Singapore goes without saying, no need to explain that one.
With a name, some facts and some photos, i created a yahoo group, just as i'd seen for the britbrats. Using ICQ in the same way i found Glen, my '76 school year book at my side as reference for names, i sent out messages and brats began to join.
Slowly, very slowly, they came. Brats were gathering to this place created on this relatively new concept to the home pc user called the internet.
There was a murmur of something building, a wave of energy i was yet to fully comprehend.
I was ready though, ready to was time.
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